Good Afternoon Fellow NCTr's:
What an excellent morning to be on the North Country Trail, and my thanks goes out to Jake Erhardt, Doug Turner, Jim Rarick, John Rarick, Denny Duda, and Lee Fairbanks for joining me at Cemex. We had an awesome session, cleaning up and smoothing out the trail from the old dump site near Tony Dytko Rd. down to about 3/4 of the way to River Road. We took out rocks, roots, and branch litter, pruned back all of the overgrowth, and leveled out and redefined the pathway along this section of trail. In addition, all of the blazes down to the road have been repainted and/or replaced. The plan is to work up from River Road next week to where we finished off today to put this issue of the trail being logged to rest.
Now the bad news: Everyone was working so hard and diligently, getting this section of trail into fine hiking shape, and they were such good trail company, that I felt obligated to triple everyone's usual rate of pay for the morning. The budget, I fear, is now shot. Thank you again to this morning's crew! Some photos here.
Also, here's a link to a posting put up on the North Country Trail Facebook page yesterday about the Davis Hollow Cabin. The timing on that was interesting, I thought. You don't have to belong to Facebook to take a look at the article and comments.
My available time for trailwork is somewhat limited this week due to other obligations, but I am planning to spend a couple of hours with the DR mower and saw at the Kirkwood Farm on Wednesday morning, August 31. My plan is to be at the new Hodgson Road trailhead (Right above Crawford's Camping Park) at 10:00 AM and work until about noon mowing and preliminarily clearing our new section of trail along the top of the hill - it'll be a start.
What an excellent morning to be on the North Country Trail, and my thanks goes out to Jake Erhardt, Doug Turner, Jim Rarick, John Rarick, Denny Duda, and Lee Fairbanks for joining me at Cemex. We had an awesome session, cleaning up and smoothing out the trail from the old dump site near Tony Dytko Rd. down to about 3/4 of the way to River Road. We took out rocks, roots, and branch litter, pruned back all of the overgrowth, and leveled out and redefined the pathway along this section of trail. In addition, all of the blazes down to the road have been repainted and/or replaced. The plan is to work up from River Road next week to where we finished off today to put this issue of the trail being logged to rest.
Now the bad news: Everyone was working so hard and diligently, getting this section of trail into fine hiking shape, and they were such good trail company, that I felt obligated to triple everyone's usual rate of pay for the morning. The budget, I fear, is now shot. Thank you again to this morning's crew! Some photos here.
Also, here's a link to a posting put up on the North Country Trail Facebook page yesterday about the Davis Hollow Cabin. The timing on that was interesting, I thought. You don't have to belong to Facebook to take a look at the article and comments.
My available time for trailwork is somewhat limited this week due to other obligations, but I am planning to spend a couple of hours with the DR mower and saw at the Kirkwood Farm on Wednesday morning, August 31. My plan is to be at the new Hodgson Road trailhead (Right above Crawford's Camping Park) at 10:00 AM and work until about noon mowing and preliminarily clearing our new section of trail along the top of the hill - it'll be a start.
Apologize for the short notice - kind of a weird week and just playing it by ear at this point.
Hope to see you in the morning - thanks for all you do for the trail!
Dave Brewer
Trail Work Coordinator
Hope to see you in the morning - thanks for all you do for the trail!
Dave Brewer
Trail Work Coordinator