Thursday, August 26, 2010

Trail Work Schedule - Third Try

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

The cavalry arrived (from East Liverpool, OH incredibly) and my days off from the paying job were rescued, so we'll plan on heading out to do some trail work Sunday and Monday. Here's plan #3:

Sunday evening, August 29, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM we'll work out at Gamelands 285 grubbing 100 yards or so of new trail back to the old iron bridge. Meet at the Sterling Road trailhead at 4:00 - I'll bring the tools. Bring work gloves if you have them and water.

Monday morning, August 30, we'll leave from the front of Jata's in Wampum at 9:00 AM and travel to the Mines and Meadows campground (off Darlington Road) to spend two hours reworking sidehill and paint blazes in that area. Come earlier to Jata's for breakfast if you'd like. Again, I'll bring the tools and blue paint.

Any questions or need directions please let me know. I have a new phone number (330) 531-1623 (the old one still works though, for now). Hope to see you on the trail.

Dave Brewer
Photo courtesy of Bob Cody

Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 26 and 27 Trail Work

Good Afternoon Fellow NCTr's:

After a much-needed week off we're ready to head back out to the trail. Here's the plan for this week:

Thursday morning, August 26 we'll go back out to the Gateway Bridge area to finish off the digging project we started on the approach to the bench, and then head west into Mines and Meadows to clean up a short piece of sidehill there and get the blazes repainted. We'll be leaving Jata's in Wampum at 9:00 AM and driving up to the Mines and Meadows campground entrance on Darlington Road. Come earlier to Jata's for breakfast if you'd like. We'll be out until 11:00 AM or so.

Friday afternoon, August 27 we'll be heading for PA Gamelands 285, the Sterling Road trailhead, at 5:00 PM and work for a couple of hours on grubbing the 100 yards of flat trail remaining from where the Mt. Olive crew finished up back to the old iron bridge and existing trail.

If you need directions to either work site please let me know. As always, I'll bring the tools and the paint - bring along work gloves and something to drink. The weather forecast for these two days looks great - hope to see you on the trail!

Dave Brewer

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August Wampum Chapter Meeting

Hello to Rick, Carol, Bill M., Gail, JoEllen, John E., Ceci, Tim, Emilie, Landon, Kaye, Jim, Dave W., Herb, and Kathy, .........and everyone else:

Wonderful that you could attend the Wampum Chapter Meeting last evening with the Potluck - Picnic at the new Hiker-Shelter area at Watts Mill. Thanks so much for whatever food item you this way, everyone helps to make the picnic and get-together a success!!

Mark your calendars for the next Wampum Chapter Meeting of the NCTA to be held on Monday, September 20, at 6:00 PM, at the Davis Hollow Cabin at Moraine State Park, with a Potluck - Picnic get-together. More information will be sent out as it gets closer to the meeting... be on the lookout. If you were unable to attend the Meeting this time, we hope you can come out for this next time together in September...bring a friend along or a bunch of folks who might find the North Country Trail Association just what they were looking for as an outside activity...

Thanks so much to each of you for everything you do, no matter how large or small, to make the NCT a premier trail for all to hike and enjoy!

Kind regards -Cathy and Dennis Garrett / Watts Mill and State Gamelands 285

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Volunteers Recap

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

I went back out to the Indian Rock area this afternoon to retrieve a tool we left behind last week (found it!) and decided that since I was going I'd take along the measuring wheel, camera, and notebook to nail down some numbers on what the volunteer help from the Mt. Olive Lutheran Church accomplished last week. The photo above is from the vista we opened up on top of the hill near Indian Rock.

Before I get into the numbers I want to again thank Mr. Ron Hietsch with the church for offering us the assistance of those young folks, and for Mt. Olive's Pastor, John Pingel for his support of the project. Ron was out with the crew all four days, leading the digging charge up one side of the hill and down the other. He was also kind enough to donate some lumber to get us over a pretty steep spot on one of the switchbacks. Help from Chapter members was greatly appreciated too, with Gail Blakely, Jared Gess, Dennis Garrett, and Rick Ostheimer coming out and supporting the project and those young folks. Rick spent all four days with the crew and his expertise, insight, patience in teaching and training, and switchback-digging abilities were invaluable. I also wanted to mention that Ron Hietsch's son Mike came out with us for a day, and to thank him for expertly running the chainsaw to clear the many obstacles in our way. All told, we had nineteen different youth volunteers from the local area and the states of Minnesota and Michigan out on the trail, along with three adult advisors who worked just as hard alongside them.

with the red line denoting the trail on the ground. It is a crazy looking thing, the route making a big circuit out to the hill and then back to the double track to get a hiker back to the Sterling Road trailhead. Next spring, as we head east along the North Fork of Little Beaver Creek on the Kirkwood Farm and Caller properties the line will straighten out. For now, it is a nice walk - and much more interesting than a straight-line shot out to Sterling Road.

By the wheel from this afternoon:

The new section is 1.02 miles long (boy did I understate that) but we'll be losing .2 of a mile along the double track to the iron bridge, so for now we'll be adding .82 miles to the trail at Gamelands 285. That will change once we head east along the creek.

Pastor Mark Love and his small "grubbing crew" did an expert job of cleaning up and smoothing out well over 300 yards of flat treadway from the bottom of the hill back westwards to the existing trail at the old iron bridge, leaving us 108 yards left to do in that direction. Piece of cake.

The hillside digging crew, working upwards on the western end of the hill, dug 146 yards of switchback trail to the top, carving six different legs out of the hillside. Then they grubbed .1 of a mile across the top of the hill, past the rock and the vista, and over to the other end, leaving about thirty-three yards in assorted areas that need to be fine-tuned.

Then the hillside crew, going back down the eastern end of the hill, dug 227 yards of sidehill trail involving five different switchback legs. The going was smooth (except for the bees' nest we dug up) until they hit the last bit of hillside where a lot of shale was encountered. In some places they dug back into the hill to a depth of 42 inches and pushed a ton (literally, I think) of dirt down over the hillside. Amazing! Those guys -and gals - can dig!!

The shale area is a tough piece of ground and we'll have to spend some time working with that treadway - it may become our yearly cleanup project, much like the River Road trailhead at Cemex. The overnight rainfall settled down most of what was worked on last week but caused some minor sliding in the shale area. It is an area we'd have rather not had to get into but we'll work with what Mother Nature gave us and figure it out.

The last 700 yards back to the existing trail to Sterling Road will be Game Commission double track, some of it maintained annually, some of it (through deeper woods) is in need of mowing with the DR. I do see on the map though an opportunity for a small shortcut - but then again it always appears simpler looking at it on Google Earth than being on the ground, thrashing through the brush and multifloral rose :)

In addition to the aforementioned finish-off work to do, two sixteen-foot bridges need to be put in place and paint blazing needs done. We'll shoot for the end of September for completion so as to get onto other things that need done at the Gamelands.

Thanks again to everyone who helped with this last week and for all of the support. It would have taken us a year (years?) of regular trailwork sessions to get accomplished what happened in four days. Amazing!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wampum Chapter Meeting, Monday, Aug 16th

* Members, non members, visitors, guests, distinguished guests, distinguished visitors, in laws, out laws, and all others are invited. Come on out and enjoy the evening along the North Fork of Little Beaver Creek.

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

I know I am driving Maa Garrett crazy for not talking about it directly until now (and I apologize for not having my act together) but the August Wampum Chapter meeting is scheduled for this upcoming Monday, the 16th at the shelter at Watt's Mill.

Cathy said it best in her email to me this morning, "..... y'all, just come on out about 6:00 PM on Monday, August 16th, to Watts Mill and we'll greet, meet, eat, and get "neat" with a new trail into the hiker-shelter...gotta protect that hiker-shelterfrom the local hoodlums...".

Dinner is a wienie roast (the sticks from last month's outing are still there)/ potluck picnic. Please let Cathy know via email what you are bringing so we know we have the menu covered.

Speaking of hoodlum-deterrence, Dennis and I do have the new access trail to the shelter cut through the woods. The old one, which was eighty yards from the road is all but impassable now, so proceed on up the North Country Trail about 300 yards from the road, cross over the short, cedar troll bridge (also known as the bridge to not walk while wearing high-heeled shoes), and the access trail to the shelter will be about thirty feet further along on the right. It is identified with a Carsonite post with arrow stickers pointing the way. The trail is cut and cleared, but not totally grubbed out so watch your footing as you make your way down to the shelter (small roots and rocks, and stuff like that). Thanks to Dennis for helping with this - this hot weather is tough to work in.

The weather is supposed to moderate a bit come Monday - hope you can make it out for the meeting/cookout.

Dave Brewer

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Strange or Strangest - August 10th

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

I've been contemplating and comtemplating. Is it ONE OF the strangest, or is it THE STRANGEST thing I've seen while out working on and maintaining the North Country Trail all these years? I've come to the conclusion that it is the strangest. Found this afternoon, on top of Booth Hill at GL285, near the state line end, on a tree recently cleared by the gamelands crew with their mower. Check it out I don't know.

The next photo is of Rick "The Digging Machine" Ostheimer doing some quality work cleaning up a section of trail up on the Gateway bench this morning. I didn't get a good photo of Doug "The Paint Blazing Machine" Turner as he was moving too fast and the couple that I shot in his direction ended up blurry. Doug got the entire bench back to the Chewton vista reblazed, and Rick cleaned up yards and yards of sketchy trail this morning. Dave "Kind of Hanging Towards The Middle" Brewer helped out with both and took some pictures. Thanks to those guys for coming out this morning.

We'll be at Watt's Mill tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 to put in the new trail to the shelter in preparation for Monday evening's Chapter meeting. It looks simple with the help of the DR mower, a chainsaw, and some loppers but many hands make light work - especially in this heat. Hope you can make it out!

Thanks for all you do for the trail,
Dave Brewer

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Trail Work Plans For 8/10 and 8/11

Good Afternoon Fellow NCTr's:

Trailwork plans for the upcoming week are as follows:

Tuesday morning, August 10th we'll head out to the Gateway bridge area for a couple of hours to clean up a short stretch of sidehill leading up to the bench, and also do some badly-needed repainting of the blazes in this area. We'll access the trail from the Mines and Meadows campground on Darlington Road, leaving for there from Jata's in Wampum at 9:00 AM. Come earlier to Jata's for breakfast if you'd like. By the way - the Jata's crew will be on vacation the next week and the restaurant will be closed, so if you need your Jata's fix better get it this Tuesday.

Wednesday afternoon, August 11th we'll be working at Watt's Mill and Gamelands 285 in clearing a new trail to the backpacker shelter so that it is accessible for next Monday evening's chapter meeting. The plan is to meet at 4:00 PM at the Watt's Mill Road trailhead and spend two hours or so getting that pathway open. If you can't make it out at 4:00 come when you can and head west (the side of the road with the wood NCT sign) up to the Garrett/Gamelands boundry line where you will find us working down to the creek - follow the orange flags.

As usual, I'll bring the tools and paint - bring along lots of water as it is going to be another hot week in western PA. Come when you can and stay as long as you want as all help is appreciated. Hope to see you on the trail . . .

Dave Brewer

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Volunteers Day #3

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

Another extraordinary day of accomplishment out at Indian Rock despite the temperature (I saw 95 degrees on the sign outside the bank in Darlington at 2:30), the humidity (we were all soaking wet within five minutes of starting to work this morning), and my misunderstanding of the situation (that hillside on the far end that we are using to get down is STEEP!).

Thirteen of us worked on digging a pathway half-way down the far side of the hill, and although Mother Nature issued several citations for failing to heed the law of gravity (some of us ended up sliding to the bottom of the hill while trying to scratch out a place for our feet) the end result is an excellent piece of sidehill trail. A lot of earth was moved as we had to cut back far into the hillside to make it work. One more day (and I'm making no 'steepness' predictions on this one - we'll see tomorrow) and we'll be to the bottom of the hill and ready for the finesse work and blazing.

Meanwhile, Pastor Mark Love and his crew of four did an amazing job of continuing to grub to within an easy hundred yards of the start of the new section. They cleared the overgrowth, took out the weeds, leaves, and saplings, and very professionally smoothed out the humps and bumps along the way, leaving an excellent pathway through the woods. Their work is every bit as good as what the Student Conservation Crew did last summer. Outstanding!

Some photos from today are here:

Thanks goes out to Gail Blakely for coming out this morning to talk to the crew and appreciate them for their efforts, Rick Ostheimer and Jared Gess for putting their expertise, experience, and backs into the effort today, and again to the PA Game Commission GL285 crew (who we met up with again this morning) for their enthusiastic support.

Hope you can make it out to the Sterling Road trailhead tomorrow morning - thanks for all you do for the trail.

Dave Brewer

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mt. Olive Church Vols Day #2

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

We had an excellent Day #2 with the volunteers from Mt. Olive Lutheran Church - we made it to the top of Indian Rock hill with another length of excellent sidehill trail! While that was being worked on, another part of the team continued the grub work on the relatively flat pathway back to the old iron bridge. That section is a beautiful walk through the woods.

The plan for the next two days is to start sidehilling back down the other end of the hill to link up with the existing trail that goes back to the trailhead. Generally not as steep but a bit longer stretch to get back down. I appreciated Rick Ostheimer's input on the particulars of the route as we spent some time discussing the pros and cons of the different options available.

Thanks also goes out to Gamelands 285 Manager Bob Correll and his crew today. We met up with them at the trailhead this morning as they were working on a project and they allowed us easier access to our starting point. Bob and the rest of those good-natured guys who keep GL285 in shape have always been supporters of the North Country Trail and it is appreciated.

Some photos from today here, starting on the second line down:

Come on out and visit if you can - we'll be taking off from the Sterling Road parking area shortly after 9:00 AM tomorrow.

Dave Brewer

Monday, August 2, 2010

Indian Rock Trail Building Day 1

Good Evening Fellow NCTr's:

I took some photos of the Mt. Olive Lutheran Church volunteers working out at the Indian Rock Hill site at Gamelands 285 today. Those twelve young people and their three advisors made a heck of an impact on their first day of digging trail. Also, thanks goes out to Rick Ostheimer for coming out with me and giving a great demo on proper trail-building method and technique.

As of now the schedule is to meet at the Sterling Road trailhead at 9:00ish the next three mornings and continue work on the project until about 2:00 or 2:30 in the afternoon. Please feel free to come on out to meet these young volunteers and check out the progress on the new section of trail. It is gonna be a goodie!

Thanks for all you do for the NCT,

Dave Brewer