Monday, May 24, 2010

Shelter Work on May 23rd - Making Progress!

Good Morning Fellow NCTr's:

Yesterday was one of those trail work days where we had so many experts on hand that I did get to literally stand around and take photos of all the good work that was going on. Jim and Kaye Houk, David Wright, Herb Adams, Boyd and Sharon Brewer, Bill Majernik, Dennis and Cathy Garrett, Doug and Daphne Turner, and Lee and Eleanor Fairbanks all made the trip out to Watt's Mill Sunday afternoon to work on siding the backpacker shelter, GPS our new section of North Country Trail on the west side of the road, enjoy a wienie roast picnic dinner, and socialize and enjoy the sunshine of a beautiful spring afternoon along Little Beaver Creek.

Thank you to everyone who came out to help - we made tremendous progress figuring and cutting those angles to get the siding attached and we're within striking distance of finishing up. A couple more side pieces and some trim work along the edges and we'll be good to go. I did say, "a couple of hours . . . " for trail work yesterday afternoon but we ended up finally making our exit shortly before 8 PM - a solid four hour day. Making those angles work on the shelter, and climbing up the big hill into the Gamelands on a warm, humid, and mosquito-y day were tough.

Thanks again to everyone for all you do!Some photos from the day are here: Yesterday's start on the second row.

Below is Cathy Garrett's commentary on the day:

Hello to All -

We had a great Sunday work session out at Watts Mill for the North Country Trail folks from the Wampum Chapter. The Shelter-Raising is getting there, little by little and inch by inch. You know Rome wasn't built in a day!!! ;-] The men were concentrating this past Sunday on getting the rough-hewn siding cut to fit and on just right around the three sides. The floor is all done and the roof is on! It was verified, by Dave Brewer, that there are no leaks. He was out at the beginning of last week and saw first hand that there are no leaks. We were in the throws of one of those "rain of rains" few days... Now, here's a "life is sweet" item at its best! No leaks tells me the people working on the roof installation knew what they were doing!

Anyway, we had 14 people out there on Sunday and things are looking good with respect to the shelter. Eleanor Fairbanks organized another "hot-dog roast with fixin's" for the attendees. Maa Garrett was the other "perpetrator" and we had accomplices that brought along goodies and what-have-yous... Big thanks to all for whatever you brought or did! If anyone is looking for a a hot-dog turning stick for over the fire, see Bill Majernik. he seems to have a half dozen different types of hot-dog or whatever you're thinking of roasting sticks, metal no less. One is the Cadillac of runs off batteries and turns around so to roast the dog evenly! Way to go, Bill !!

After all these years, it's about 4 of 'em since we became involved with the NCT because of our property, Watts Mill, we finally got to meet and spend the afternoon with Dave's folks, Sharon and Boyd Brewer. And icing on the cake would be at the end of the evening as Dave's Dad gave him a large hand-made framed, water color rendering of some folks at Watts Mill...very lovely gift and quite a moment for all of us to just experience! Also, Sharon makes a "mean" chocolate chip cookie!!! :-)

Daphne and Doug Turner came from the North Hills area and brought along enough popcorn to feed a movie theater of people!!! Our whole adventure yesterday was like a movie, beautiful backgrounds, the weather cooperated, and the sun going down was one of those you'd have had to been there to experience it, plus everyone knew their lines, and the picnic scene was delightful...if you couldn't be there, I just know this kind of motivation will get you out for the next time as you'll want to be a part of this "movie" as it's more real than most and nice thing is any age can watch it and participate.

Kay Houk brought along some bleu cheese dip and pretzels...tasty item for our picnic. She shared her "trick" of how to get the ground in dirt out of our men's jeans and slacks...good tip to know! (It's equal parts of ammonia and a dish-washing liquid like Dawn and mixed up in a spray which you can say, "dirt and grime...go away, and almost by magic they do.") Jim Houk was right in there using his expertise for cutting the wood siding pieces. Wonderful to have them both attend!

The fabricating supervisors, Lee Fairbanks, Dave Brewer, and Dennis Garrett, had more smiles all day long than I though possible for anyone to be having on their faces...just one of those ear-to-ear grinning days at its best! ;-)

Dave Wright and his friend Herb were "busy bees" with the siding put-er-upper men as we women supervised every nail pounded and every line drawn...well, almost every one!!!!!

It's kind of leaving the best thing for last...the good times and the great feeling we get of working together to do this Shelter project are beyond's going to truly make our section of the NCT an inviting area. It's about as basic as you can get...people helping people make a place for all to enjoy and having a good time in the process! Now that's living at its best!

For you Troll affectionados and followers, yes, the whole Troll Family did come out yesterday, even the baby! The oldest Troll, Dabo Brewco, was there in full the red-haired and the blue-haired young couple were up in one of the trees watching the whole event. I overheard them talking a mile a minute when we were on our way home...seems they are thinking about sending some of the Family down to Watts Mill to live under the shelter...see how they are, and we were worried a tad about keeping things safe there...guess we can now say we've got it covered!

Again.....thanks for everything and all you do to further the NCT...we couldn't do it without you! Take care and stay safe...see you soon out at the Mill.

- Cathy and Dennis Garrett - "Maa and Paa" - and the whole Troll Nation

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shelter-Building Report

Early on Sunday Cathy Garrett sent out a thanks to everyone who worked with and supported the Watt's Mill shelter project. It WAS a tremendous piece of work on everyone's part Saturday and we knocked out about ninety percent of what needs to be done to have a "move in ready" hiker shelter. I wanted to throw in my two cents on this one.

We had thirteen Americorps volunteers join eight Wampum chapter members and friends in working on-site Saturday, and thanks goes out to Julie Elkins for inviting her colleagues to join us. Not only did we accomplish that much work on the shelter, the Americorps folks also helped us out with refurbishing 120 yards of sidehill in the gamelands above the shelter area! It only took them about an hour to cover that much ground. Amazing!! (It kicked my butt trying to keep up with them as they worked their way down the hill). The North Country Trail people worked hard all day hauling material and working on the shelter construction. It is gratifying to see how different groups of people (volunteers all) can come together for a day and accomplish so much.

Thanks goes to Cathy and Dennis Garrett for providing us with the inspiration for and the perfect location to put this shelter, and to Cathy (Maa) especially for making sure that everyone who came out Saturday was made to feel welcome.

A big KUDOS to Lee Fairbanks who drove this whole project forward. I have no idea of how much time he has invested at this point but it has to be an unreasonable amount. I do know that he sought out and refined the shelter building plans, wrote the field grant application to have the funds to do this, procured the building materials, figured out the steps involved in the construction process, refigured the plans several times (he said, ". . . with Eleanor's help."), cut the lumber and preassembled all of the pieces possible off-site, and supervised Saturday's construction effort. Thank you Lee.

I have some photos from the day's activities posted here:

We'll be getting together sometime over the next two weeks to finish off the siding and the needed roof piece. Thanks to everyone who participated and to everyone associated with the North Country Trail for all you do to support the organization. What a great team effort!
Dave Brewer
Co Trail Work Coordinator

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

An Invitation From Maa

Quick note to All - (You know Maa is not about quick... and a note, well, the day Maa actually writes only a note will be the day, she likes to leave no stone unturned when she writes. Our Sons call it "Mom's writing a book again!!!") -----

As you can see, we are getting there with the foundation of the Hiker Shelter. I'm so happy I feel 20 years younger for it!!! We did have a lovely day all together at Watts Mill on's such a great feeling to see what all is being accomplished. Plus, Dennis and I are a part of it all !!!!

Try to come out this Saturday, May 15th, if only for a look-see or stay and help, and there will be food, as we'll be "raising the shelter" with the help of the AmeriCorps folks. If you do plan to come out, please let Eleanor Fairbanks at: know how many of you are coming so we have a "head count" and can provide enough food. Get that info in to her before Saturday. Thanks! Read the recent info on the NCT info on Facebook about this event...

I'm hoping and praying for good weather for Saturday!! :-] It's raining pretty good at the moment, so maybe it's going to have done that and by Saturday we'll have a day of sunshine!

Last but not least...thanks to Dave Brewer for all the photos he takes whenever we are all together doing Trail work, as on here, truly, "a picture is worth a thousand words." It tells the delightful story of our never-ending good time with building this totally awesome North Country Trail for all the world to use. Gives "Take A Hike" a whole, new meaning!!! :-)

See you then -
Cathy Garrett and Dennis, also.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shelter Raising and Picnic - May 15

Good Morning Fellow NCTr's:

The plan has come together! Join us at Watt's Mill next Saturday, May the 15th, for a backpacker shelter raising work party followed by a potluck picnic. Here's the agenda:

Julie Elkins, PA NCT Communications Coordinator, has invited her fellow Americorps volunteers and their friends and families to join us at 2:00 that afternoon to come out and assist with carrying in the preassembled pieces of the shelter and work on getting it all nailed together on site. If we have enough people in attendance at that time we'll also be able to move up the trail a ways and give the volunteers the experience of "trail grubbin" as we (always) have some treadway in need of refurbishing.

The cookout/picnic part of the day begins around 5:00 with a wienie roast planned. The picnic will be potluck so we ask that you bring a side dish, supplies, drink, or dessert (I'm aware that smores are already on the menu - yum). We'll finish up that evening when the campfire dies down, the last marshmallow is consumed, and the band calls it quits (just kidding - no band).

Come out when you can. If you won't be able to make it out for the work part of the afternoon please, please come out for the picnic. The site is a beautiful spot beside a bend in the Little Beaver Creek and this shelter marks a great accomplishment for the members and friends of the Wampum Chapter NCTA. We all work and support the trail together - we should all share in the celebration together.

Here is a map of the Watt's Mill area with the trail to the shelter site marked. It is about 300 yards from the road over fairly level terrain - easy walking.

If you'll be coming out we ask that you please drop us a note - you can reply to this email or contact Eleanor Fairbanks at - so we know how many hot dogs we need and what you'll be bringing (side dish, dessert, cups, plates, drink) so we'll be sure to have everything we need.

See you Saturday afternoon/evening at Watt's Mill!

Dave Brewer

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kind of a Trail Work Press Release - sorta

Fairbanks Industries, Designers and General Contractors of Exquisite, High-End North Country Trail Backpacking Shelters, announced today that phase one of the current project has been completed (cutting the floor frame lumber and nailing it together) and the firm is on schedule for phase two (lugging the frame into the woods, assembling it, and attaching it to the foundation stones) scheduled for Sunday afternoon, May 9th, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Watt's Mill site.

Lee Fairbanks, Owner and Chief Engineer (not to mention main nail-pounder-in-er) on this ultra-sophisticated project credited the firm's success to an excellent set of plans (provided by the ANF Chapter and then super-modified by Eleanor), being able to use the manufacturing resources of the Garrett Bridge Construction Company of Darlington, PA (Dennis's two-shelter or three-bridge garage and all his tools), cheap, unskilled, out-of-town labor (I drove over from Canfield to help this morning), and Cathy Garrett keeping the crew in sandwiches and coffee for the duration of the work (thanks Ma!).

***Editor's Note - Hope to see you at Watt's Mill this Sunday afternoon at 4:00 for a couple of hours of trail work. Bring Mom along - it'll be her best Mother's Day EVER. And keep next Saturday, the 15th open for our shelter raising party/picnic in conjuction with the Americorps volunteers. Details coming very soon.

Dave Brewer

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Wampum-Tastic Week!

Wampum-tastic is the word I had to make up to describe all of the positive things that are happening with the Chapter and the North Country Trail within our range. I hope the title of this email doesn't route it to people's spam folder. Better settle in, perhaps get a beverage, because this communication is going to be pretty extensive, talking about a bunch of good stuff that's happening. I apologize in advance for being long- keyboarded, but there's so much good news to report!

First of all, Bob told us in an earlier email that the Tuesday-morning crew has been running strong, with plans to get out again this coming week to continue whipping the Cemex section into shape. He also mentioned that the highway signs we've been working towards were installed this week. That is awesome!

A few years ago some of the discussion amongst Wampum chapter members was around the subject of how to better promote the North Country Trail and build awareness of the trail's course through the area. A suggestion was made that NCTA signs be placed on the abandoned cement bridge over Rt. 18, (the trail's course) - somewhat along the lines of the signs on the bridge over 422 just west of Moraine State Park. The kind of signs that provoke some wonder about a National Scenic trail, where it "goes" exactly. It was thought to be a decent idea and one worth pursuing, and then the discussion turned to how to accomplish that goal. The question was answered when Gail Blakely put in the time and effort to write a grant proposal (on a VERY short deadline) for a PA DCED grant, working with State Representative Jaret Gibbons in securing funds for the signing.

Once funding was in place for "signs" the questions of "specifically what kind of sign?", "from whom?", and "how to get it on the bridge?" came to the forefront, at which point Chapter President Lee Fairbanks stepped up to find some answers. Over a period of months Lee spent much time on the phone coordinating with PennDot, the owners of the bridge, and the sign company working out the details. Issues of liability and the long-term prospects for that bridge changed the sign type from a hanging-on-a-bridge sign to a 55-MPH-highway sign right beside it. And, as it turned out, the cost involved in that new type of signing was low enough to allow us to put another set at the other major highway crossing within our range - on PA Rt. 251 at the Ohio/Pennsylvania border.

Again, as Bob mentioned, it all came together last week and the signs are in place and looking great. Thanks to Gail and Lee for all of the hard work involved. Some photos of the signs are here: are also some pictures of this evening's trail work at Watt's Mill at this site.

Speaking of this evening's trail work, your Sunday crew of Bill Majernik, Cathy and Dennis Garrett, and Eleanor and Lee Fairbanks and I worked through a light drizzle for a couple of hours to get all six of the shelter foundation stones rolled into place, set, leveled, and squared up. We're ready to build a backpacking shelter alongside the North Fork of Little Beaver Creek! Our project manager on this one (Lee) has us on track to install and secure the floor sections next Sunday evening, and then the next Saturday, May 15th, Julie Elkins, our Pennsylvania State Communications Coordinator, will be bringing an Americorps crew out to help the chapter with the actual shelter raising and then they'll join us for a "pot luck picnic". Details and times to follow.

The last Wampum-tastic(!!) experience of the week was receiving EXCELLENT news from Dennis Garrett this evening. Several months ago he and Lee went to the courthouse and obtained copies of plat maps for the area adjacent to Gamelands 285 and the North Fork of Little Beaver Creek, along with the names of the property owners. Dennis told us today that two of the landowners have granted us permission to build NCT across their properties. Mrs. Kirkwood owns the farm right beside the Gamelands, and Mr. Caler owns the piece beside hers. I know that Dennis put a lot of thought, time, and effort into contacting these landowners and talking to them about the trail, getting them to buy into the idea of helping facilitate a 4600 mile footpath from North Dakota to Crown Point in New York. WAMPUM-TASTIC! Also appreciate Andrew Bashaw's input and advice on the processes involved in bringing new landowners on board.
I've edited the area map here:,-80.467043&spn=0.01813,0.038495&z=15 with a yellow line to show (generally) where we can potentially build new trail. We've yet to walk these properties as we didn't want to trespass in case we weren't welcome, but now we're looking forward to getting out there soon to check out the possibilities (and challenges) of a new mile-long section of woods trail along the creek. With this permission granted we can eliminate somewhere around another mile or so of road walk. On to Darlington!

I hope you are as excited reading about all of the good things going on as I have been in writing about it this evening. Appreciate everything everyone does for the trail!

Tuesday Trail Work May 4, 2010

Hello Folks,

We had a very productive Tusday morning last week fixing some sidehill and doing some pruning along the Tony Dytko- Chewton W Pitts. Rd segment. I'd like to pick up where we left off last week, continue pruning and resetting some Carsonite posts.We'll access the trail at the Tony Dytko Rd crossing.

Meet at Jata's for breakfast at 0800 if you wish, and leave for the trail at 0900 sharp.

"Hope to see you on the Trail"
Bob Cody

P.S. Last Friday the signs were installed along route 18 and at the state line. They are beautiful. Many thanks to Gail and Lee for all their hard work in getting this accomplished. It was no easy task.